Kyle and Steve welcome Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance Directors and Executives to the pod – Jason Peak and Darryn Epp.  Jason and Darryn have been at the helm of the Alliance for years and this is one conservation moving the needle for wildlife.  We dive into some of the hot topic issues affecting mountain goats, the great work RMGA is doing on and off the mountain and what’s in store for the organization.

Jason and Darryn are great guys and the one thing we took away was that they are joined by a fantastic team they have working to look after the white beasts of the high mountains.

You are going to enjoy hearing what is happening over at the Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance.  Once you have had a listen head over to and pick up a membership and some of their cool swag.  For those listening right when we launch this head over to and support this great cause.  The online auctions runs from March 21-27, 2022.